
Obtaining the necessary permits is essential for projects that involve activities impacting the environment, natural resources, or public lands. Our team of professionals specializes in guiding clients through the permitting processes, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations while streamlining the application process.

Our permitting services assist clients in navigating the complex landscape of permit applications. From addressing concerns about threatened and endangered species to securing special use permits for accessing state lands, we understand the challenges of obtaining permits.  With our expertise in the permitting process, we aim to simplify the application process and minimize delays while ensuring complete and total compliance with all relevant regulations and requirements.

wetland delineations / jurisdictional determination

Wetland Delineations and Jurisdictional Determinations are a primary part of the State and Federal regulatory focus. Knowing what areas are wetlands and, therefore, subject to regulation is often the first step in project planning and regulatory processes. In many cases, the existence of wetlands and regulated waters may require federal permitting due to agencies having jurisdiction over the proposed area.

We specialize in conducting wetland delineations and jurisdictional determinations to help our clients understand the extent to which the regulatory framework will impact their projects. Understanding the extent and jurisdictional status of wetlands is essential for compliance with environmental regulations.

Our team has decades of combined experience in wetland field data collection and delineation and specializes in accurately identifying and mapping wetlands in typical and difficult terrain. With a comprehensive wetland assessment, we can advise clients in advance of design how to best avoid or minimize regulatory involvement once the jurisdictional footprint of a project has been identified.


ELOS has a wealth of experience in assisting clients with regulatory compliance and helping them manage the permitting landscape. We understand the underlying statutory and scientific bases of the permitting process. We effectively manage the interaction among regulatory agencies and help clients to understand the complexities of multi-level and multi-agency authorizations.

We have established long-standing relationships with regulatory agencies and developed trust, enabling us to communicate effectively on our client’s behalf. We have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for our clients, consistently securing the necessary permits and authorizations to move their projects and interests forward.

For clients faced with the possible repercussions from potential impacts on environmental resources, our knowledge across various commercial, residential, and industrial disciplines and in both the private and public sectors positions us as a valuable asset.  Some of the more prominent State and Federal statutes and project types that form the base of our permitting activity include:

  • Section 404/10 Clean Water Act, Rivers and Harbors Act (USACE)

  • Coastal Use under Coastal Zone Management Act (LDNR)

  • Section 14 Rivers and Harbors Act (408 Permits) USACE Permissions & Levee Safety Permits

  • Threatened and Endangered Species Act (USFWS/NMFS)

  • NPDES/LPDES (LDEQ), including Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans

  • Scenic Stream Consultation & Permitting

  • Geotechnical Investigation Permitting

  • Burn Variances

  • Special Use Permits

  • State Lands / Water Bottoms Permits

  • Coast Guard Permits

  • Resilience Carbon Injection Wells

By partnering with us, clients can benefit from our expertise, streamlined processes, and comprehensive support from application preparation to compliance monitoring. We aim to help clients obtain the necessary permits efficiently and ensure compliance with environmental regulations, allowing them to proceed with their projects.

Permitting Applications & Regulatory Compliance

Your Partner in Progress

biological assessments & monitoring

A large part of ELOS’ practice focuses on providing comprehensive solutions for assessing and monitoring biological resources. Biological assessments and monitoring play a vital role in understanding the condition and trends of ecosystems, species populations, and the environment’s overall health. These assessments provide valuable information for conservation efforts, land management, and regulatory compliance.

In permitting, assessments of endangered species are often mandatory. In compensatory mitigation banking, biological performance defines the success of the bank in both a financial and biological sense.

We understand the principles that guide the evaluations of habitat quality, biological performance, species of concern, critical habitat, and mitigation bank performance and work well with the agencies that review those assessments. Our team of field biologists specializes in ground-level data collection in difficult environments and reasonable interpretation of that data in well-formulated reports. By employing both accepted techniques and advanced methodologies, we deliver accurate data and actionable insights to support informed decision-making. For habitat restoration projects, success will depend on the field assessment of the biological improvements and the degree to which they are achieved.

By partnering with us, clients can benefit from our expertise in planning and conducting biological assessments and project monitoring capabilities. We can improve project planning by assessing potential impacts, ensuring compliance with regulatory agencies and organizations, and implementing effective monitoring programs for continual support and informing decision-making processes. Our goal is to assist clients in achieving their project objectives while minimizing ecological risks and ensuring regulatory compliance.

cultural resources

"Cultural resources" signifies the material traces of past human activities. These include historic districts and structures, archaeological sites, cemeteries, shipwrecks, and artifact scatters. Historic properties are cultural resources that are at least 50 years of age and may potentially be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). If a proposed undertaking requires federal permitting, it will be required to account for any potentially adverse effects on historic properties under Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act. Undertakings may also be subject to state, tribal, and local regulations.

At ELOS, we help guide clients through the sometimes-complex rules and regulations surrounding cultural resources so they may fulfill their legal obligations and proceed with their undertakings. This includes consulting with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO) and relevant stakeholder groups and performing any necessary cultural resource investigations.

"The Past, the Present, and the Future: The Role of Cultural Resources in Your Environmental Projects"

Our dedicated team of Registered Professional Archaeologists and Architectural Historians have deep and broad expertise in both terrestrial and maritime archaeology, including desktop reviews, Phase I surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recoveries, as well as historic structure evaluation, historic preservation and curation, and drafting and negotiating Memorandums of Agreement.

Additional services include ethnography, construction monitoring, tribal consultation, expert witness testimony, low-altitude drone imaging, and ground penetrating radar and remote sensing. Our experts have regional experience throughout the majority of the United States, including the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Midwest.

These services aim to ensure our clients comply with all legal requirements so their projects may proceed as planned with minimal disruption. Our consultants help clients make informed decisions regarding project design and implementation to avoid costly impacts or delays, evaluate the potential requirements of a project, and mitigate adverse effects on any historic properties.

Whether you are embarking on a construction project, planning a land development initiative, determining potential exposure or seeking to comply with legal requirements, ELOS is here to support and guide you through the process.