national environmental protection act (nepa) compliance

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was signed into law on January 1, 1970. NEPA requires an assessment of the environmental effects of certain proposed actions. The range of actions covered by NEPA is broad and includes the following:

  • making decisions on permit applications,

  • adopting federal land management actions, and

  • constructing highways and other publicly-owned facilities.

ELOS is an expert in assisting clients in navigating the often-complex NEPA process. ELOS can evaluate the environmental and related social and economic effects of proposed actions and assist clients in steering their projects to minimize impacts and facilitate navigating NEPA compliance. As part of the NEPA requirements, we can also coordinate all public review and comment periods on those evaluations.

Environmental Services

environmental due diligence

ELOS personnel have extensive experience in providing environmental due diligence services to mergers and acquisitions (M & A) and investor communities.  ELOS personnel have directed or maintained significant roles in multi-million to multi-billion-dollar M & A activities. These projects have involved various types of industries from large national convenience store chains to multinational diversified manufacturing conglomerates.

environmental impact analysis

ELOS’s professionals have extensive experience conducting Environmental Impact Analyses (EIA) for private, commercial, state and federal entities.

Our scientists have completed a wide range of Environmental Impact Analyses, from single-site assessments to programmatic environmental impact analyses for multi-site construction activities.

categorical exclusions

Projects determined to have little or no significant environmental impacts are classified as categorical exclusions (CEs) under NEPA. This determination is reached once federal funding agencies have received documentation that outlines any potential impacts a project may have on environmental, cultural and economic resources.

ELOS can conduct background research required for federal agencies to determine if a project meets the criteria for a CE. Once a decision is reached, ELOS can coordinate with federal and state agencies, guide clients through the NEPA process, and provide clients with all documentation necessary for a CE.

ELOS has completed CEs for numerous projects funded through federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (La DOTD).

phase I, II and III environmental site assessments

With the passage of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) in 1980, owners and purchasers of properties and businesses may be placed in a serious liability situation if a purchased property is contaminated with toxic or hazardous substances.

An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) provides the buyer, seller, developer and the financial institution with the information necessary to evaluate and negotiate property acquisitions from a position of strength.  A corporation, banker, lawyer, realtor or investor who becomes more knowledgeable in assessing and minimizing the risks will be more comfortable with the real estate transaction and have more protection against personal or corporate liability.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

The purpose of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is to determine the environmental condition of the property and identify any possible environmental contamination. It is a detailed report that researches and assesses a property’s current and historical environmental uses.

A Phase I ESA includes, but is not limited to, on-site inspection, interviews, regulatory database reviews, and non-invasive examination that looks for:

  • potential soil contamination

  • groundwater and surface water quality

  • asbestos, lead or mold containing building materials

  • hazardous materials storage

  • potential sources of hydrocarbon contaminants

  • potential sources of chemical residues

  • potential sources of dead vegetation

  • an inventory of hazardous substances stored / used on site

  • a cursory review of previous studies and permits

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase II ESA is undertaken when a Phase I ESA determines a likelihood of site contamination.  The purpose is to analyze for qualitative and quantitative values of various contaminants.

It includes collecting in-situ samples of soil, hydrocarbons, groundwater, and building materials. A Phase II ESA may also include groundwater monitoring, fate and transport studies, 3-D modeling, and the design of feasibility studies for remediation and remedial plan.

The most frequent substances tested are petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, asbestos, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

Phase III Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase III ESA is remediation of a contaminated site(s). It consists of the development and implementation of a Risk-Based Remediation Action Plan, with consideration for and assessment of:

  • Alternative cleanup methods

  • Cost/benefit analysis

  • Logistics

Your Partner in Progress

brownfields program

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Brownfields Program provides grants and technical assistance to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse contaminated properties. Revitalizing contaminated properties transforms not just the land but also the surrounding communities. 

Brownfield sites may be small parcels in your local neighborhood or large abandoned industrial properties. The presence of contamination, or the fear of potential contamination, and the desire to redevelop / reuse a property is all it takes to be considered a candidate for Brownfield incentives.

Depending on the location and characteristics of the property and market factors, a Brownfield Site often can be redeveloped for uses ranging from housing, retail, industrial, or mixed-use to public and non-profit uses such as parks, recreational areas and municipal facilities.

Benefits of Addressing Brownfield Sites

  • Helps address legacy contamination at abandoned sites more expediently

  • Liability protection for non-responsible parties provides an incentive to developers to repurpose Brownfields sites

  • Communities benefit by returning properties to tax rolls and increasing the tax base

  • Adds jobs both during the cleanup and construction phase and after the redevelopment is complete

  • Reduces blight in communities and residents’ risk of exposure to environmental contamination

  • For developers, Brownfield properties may be eligible for additional tax credits / financial incentives and are often in key locations

ELOS’ experienced team can help you identify potential Brownfield sites and provide the agency coordination to both get the property into the program and help you navigate through the complete process.

soil & groundwater investigations

At ELOS, you will find every soil and groundwater service you need, from performing studies of groundwater contamination events to installation of state-of-the-art remedial systems. We maintain the equipment and personnel to provide geophysical logging, pumping tests, and aquifer studies necessary for complete groundwater evaluations.

We also specialize in the investigation of facilities where contamination has taken place, as well as groundwater restoration and treatment.  Our professionals’ experience in working with regulatory agencies enables our clients to effectively reach compliance with applicable regulations and laws, including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations.

You will not find another company more experienced or committed to providing the groundwater services you need to ensure clean, uncontaminated groundwater. Our services include:

  • Compliance with RCRA

  • Performing studies of groundwater contamination events

  • Preparation of detailed technical reports documenting hydrogeological conditions, findings of studies and recommendations

  • Design and implementation of remedial action plans for contamination situations

  • Preparation of groundwater monitoring plans

  • Installation of state-of-the-art monitoring wells

  • Geophysical logging of wells

environmental remediation services

ELOS’s remediation professionals include environmental scientists, chemists, supervisors, equipment operators and hazardous materials technicians with the ability to provide clients with common-sense, cost-effective solutions to needs, without compromising quality.

Remediation services include:

  • Underground storage tank or aboveground storage tank services

  • Tank removal or closure-in-place

  • Tank installations

  • Tank cleaning

  • Treatment of soil, groundwater and sludges (chemical and biological)

  • Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system installation and operation

  • Groundwater extraction system installation and operation

  • Hazardous waste site cleanup (surface and subsurface)

  • Dewatering of hazardous and non-hazardous sludges

  • Drum characterization and disposal

  • Chemical transfers

  • Lab packs

  • Disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste for generators to maintain or gain RCRA compliance

  • Landfarming / Soil burning / Disposal arrangements

  • Facilities decontamination and / or restoration and demolition

  • Technician rental services

  • Scheduled industrial maintenance, including tank cleaning

air quality services

ELOS’ air quality specialists have extensive experience planning and executing the technical aspects of compliance.  Our associates are familiar with all regulated parameters and are well positioned to address the many complex issues emerging from the Clean Air Act Amendments by providing services such as:

  • Permitting

Title V

  • Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)

Major sources

Compliance with national ambient air quality standards

  • Air Toxics

Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT)

Source categories

Early reduction studies

State and local regulations

National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)

  • Environmental Compliance Audits

Review federal, state and local regulations

Emissions inventory

Water / wastewater / storm water permitting

ELOS’ services range from the design of groundwater monitoring plans and installation of monitoring wells to regional water resources planning.  Our associates are experts at developing feedwater systems for reverse osmosis, geophysical logging, pumping tests and aquifer studies necessary for complete groundwater evaluations.

Our professionals’ experience in working with regulatory agencies enables you to effectively reach compliance with applicable regulations and laws, including RCRA, the CWA, the SDWA, and the NPDES regulations.

Water and wastewater services include:

  • Compliance with RCRA, the CWA, the SDWA and the NPDES

  • Water supply studies

  • RCRA corrective action

  • Regional water resources planning

  • Reverse osmosis feedwater systems

  • Irrigation water supply

  • Water quality investigations

  • Saltwater intrusion control

  • Injection well technology

  • Preparation of groundwater monitoring plans

  • Sampling and analysis plans

  • Installation of state-of-the-art monitoring wells

  • Geophysical logging of wells

  • Performing studies of groundwater contamination events

  • Design and implementation of remedial actions for contamination situations

  • Preparation of detailed technical reports

  • Wastewater treatment plant design

  • Treatment system design, retrofit, operations and maintenance

  • Environmental audits

  • Annual reports

  • Process design

  • Effluent use / reuse

  • Permitting, reporting

  • Process evaluations

  • Remedial investigations and contamination studies

  • Remedial action plan design and implementation

Solutions you can trust

solid & Hazardous waste

Solid Waste Management Services

As the importance of proper management of the wastes produced daily in every industry has grown, ELOS’ professionals have become recognized for their expertise in this area. Our associates achieve compliance with regulatory requirements through a blend of innovative technology supported by sound, practical application of traditional expertise - a blend that is increasingly important because of the pace of regulatory change in solid waste management.

Your company benefits from our thorough understanding of the demands of regulatory agencies and the realities of waste facility management. The diverse group of professionals at ELOS distinguishes us as one of the few consulting firms that can offer the complete range of services required for quality solid waste management.

Solid waste services include:

  • Landfill design

  • Compliance with Subtitle D of RCRA

  • Site selection assistance

  • Solid waste facilities design

  • Construction observation and inspection

  • Environmental audits

  • Remedial investigations

  • Feasibility studies

  • Waste analysis plans

  • Contingency plans

  • Site security plans

  • Closure plans

  • Facility description

  • Facility closure

  • Closure certification and construction management

  • Remedial action plan design and implementation

  • Preparation of technical reports

  • Wetlands delineation

  • Soil borings

  • Process information for all facility activities

 Hazardous Waste Management Services

ELOS is a multi-disciplinary firm with the capabilities and experience to assist industries in meeting the many challenges associated with hazardous or toxic materials and waste quickly and cost-effectively.  Our certified associates and hazardous materials managers can provide the technical support and expertise necessary to minimize the cost and maximize the effectiveness of hazardous materials and waste management programs.

Permitting services

  • Facility siting

  • RCRA Part A and Part B permitting

  • State and local requirements

  • Spill Prevention Controls and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans

  • Waste determination and characterization

  • Expert representation at regulatory agency and public hearings

  • Negotiation of permit conditions

  • Stormwater runoff (NPDES)

  • Air emissions evaluation and reporting

Operation and compliance services

  • Technical representation during rulemaking

  • Environmental monitoring

  • Compliance audit and maintenance programs

  • SARA Title III programs

  • Support in hazardous waste delisting

  • Waste minimization / recycling programs

  • Technical support during enforcement actions

  • Closure assessment and monitoring

Contamination assessment and remediation services

  • RCRA corrective action programs

  • Superfund remedial investigations / feasibility studies


  • Contaminant fate and transport modeling

  • Risk assessments and development of alternate site rehabilitation levels

  • Contamination assessment reports and remedial action plans for non-superfund sites

  • Solid waste management units assessment and remediation

  • Quality assurance project plans for both superfund and state projects

  • Negotiations with regulatory agencies at federal, state and local levels

industrial hygiene services

Trust our team to provide accurate information needed to inform decision making, ensure safety of workers and occupants, and meet regulatory requirements.

Our staff members consist of certified EPA / DEQ licensed lead paint inspectors and risk accessors, DEQ certified asbestos inspectors and workers, experienced mold technicians, and Certified Industrial Hygienists.

ELOS regularly provides clients with technical support on:

  • Program audits to assess compliance with regulatory requirements

  • Evaluation of worker exposure to potentially hazardous substances

  • Development of written protection strategies to control environmental hazards

  • Development of written health and safety plans

  • Development and implementation of training programs

  • Development and implementation of field sampling strategies for workplace exposure

  • Written recommendations from field study results to minimize employee exposure

  • Development and implementation of indoor air quality investigations (Sick Building Syndrome)


Mold is everywhere, but only becomes a problem when the concentrations are too high and it causes problems to human health, or when it is unsightly and causes damage to property.

When these conditions arise, ELOS tests for mold using industry-standard techniques, such as swab sampling, tape lift sampling, and air sampling. Our professionals also use cutting-edge infrared imaging and moisture reading instruments to detect and note conditions that are likely to lead to future microbial growth hazards. The results of these tests, along with experienced observation, allow our professionals to provide data-supported measurements of the type and amount of mold present and identify potentially hazardous conditions. 


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of soft, flexible fibers that are heat resistant. The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 legally recognizes six forms of asbestos that are harmful to human health.

When it comes to asbestos, precaution and safety are critical. ELOS’s DEQ-certified asbestos inspectors are trained and experienced in recognizing materials that are typically suspect for asbestos. ELOS inspectors have completed inspections and surveys for private, commercial, and government clients and are experts in the regulations that govern the proper handling of asbestos-containing materials.

Our inspectors work with our clients to ensure the inspection and sampling methods are thorough, ensuring no hazardous asbestos-containing materials go unnoticed, while also being as cost-effective as possible to suit our client’s budgetary needs. If you have any concerns that your project may disturb asbestos-containing materials, let our professionals take the fear of the unknown away by providing you with the answers and information you need.

Lead-Based Paint Testing

Lead is a toxic metal that can have potentially harmful health effects if absorbed into the body. Lead-based paint can be found in buildings built before the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the use of lead-based paint in 1978.

ELOS’s staff of DEQ and EPA-licensed lead paint inspectors and risk assessors use state-of-the-art, non-invasive testing methods to test for lead-based paint products in structures for private, commercial, and government clients, as well as assess the condition of the paint to note whether it is in a hazardous, deteriorating condition.

Using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzers, our professionals can quickly and accurately measure the content of lead in painted surfaces throughout a structure. The XRF analyzer provides results instantly and with no need to disturb or damage the painted surface. The use of XRF technology means cost and time savings for our clients by eliminating the need for laboratory analysis of paint chip samples. 

Since our founding, ELOS professionals have completed nearly 5,000 combined lead paint inspections and risk assessments for the Restore Louisiana Program, which provides grant funding to homeowners affected by 2020-21 storms for home repairs, reconstruction and / or reimbursement for repairs already completed.

The program is administered by the Louisiana Office of Community Development and is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through federal appropriations of Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds.

ELOS also completed approximately 4,000 inspections and risk assessments for the New York City Housing Authority, and we regularly work in support of local housing authorities and facility management personnel throughout Louisiana.

Asbestos Air Monitoring

During remediation efforts, asbestos air monitoring services are critical for ensuring the safety of environments where asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are present or have been disturbed. These services help detect and measure airborne asbestos fibers, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and minimizing health risks.

With National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-certified technicians on staff, ELOS can provide real-time analysis at any remediation project site using Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM), including:

  • Construction sites

  • Industrial facilities

  • Schools and public buildings

  • Waste disposal sites

  • Disaster response areas

  • Residential properties

  • Medical or laboratory facilities

The NIOSH 7400 guidelines followed by ELOS staff members ensure adherence to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for asbestos exposure monitoring and facilitate the preparation of air sampling data and reports.

In addition, having a technician on site allows for immediate analysis and eliminates the need to have samples sent to a laboratory for review, saving immeasurable time and expense for our clients. Our technicians are available to be on site seven days a week, 365 days a year.